How to increase YouTube views? 10 ways you must know to increase traffic!


↑ [US] Never buy fake traffic and subscriptions [TW] 千萬別買假流量和訂閱

↑ [US] Videos may also appear on Google’s search page [TW] 影片也可能出現在Google的搜索頁

↑ [US] Comparison of movies about watching movies to make money [TW] 關於看影片賺錢的影片比較

I took several videos but still no one watched them? Then you may have not figured out the rules of the game on YouTube.

In addition to knowing how to let the audience see your videos, you also have to know how to use YouTube's algorithm to promote to more people, and there are some things you must not do that will be explained in this article.

How to increase the number of views?

Before thinking about increasing the number of video views, ask yourself whether the audience can find your video, and how can they find your video?

In many cases, it may be because no one knows the existence of your movie, and you will not be able to search for your movie, let alone increase the number of views.

So before you start filming, you must first investigate "what other people want to watch", not "what do you want to film". If the content you make is what others need, someone will find your film.

Just knowing how to let the audience find your video is not enough to get a large number of views. You must know how to use YouTube's algorithm to promote your video to more people.

I believe it should be the latter most of the time?

Because most of the time viewers actually just want to pass the time and don't know what they are looking for, so just watch some recommended videos that interest them.

According to official data, there are billions of users who browse YouTube every month. If your videos can be recommended to these people by an algorithm, you can share this huge amount of traffic. The benefits are even dozens to hundreds of times the amount of active searches. more than.

I used to know the YouTuber Xiaoxiao because of the YouTube algorithm recommended by the video below. She also explained this knowledge in the video below.

Simply put, YouTube’s algorithm is to recommend videos that viewers may like through their “watching behavior” so that they can stay on YouTube for a longer time.

Although no one knows the specific algorithm rules, we can move in this direction to increase the probability of our films being promoted, and more will be explained below.

Let the audience see your video

Find hot topics

YouTube is actually the largest search engine after Google. If you want viewers to find your videos, the first step is to do search engine optimization (Search Engine Optimization, referred to as SEO).

Simply put, put some keywords (Keyword) that people are searching for in the title, tags, and description of your video, so that your video will appear in other people's search results.

You can use tools such as Google Trend or Tubebuddy to help you view recent popular keywords, and those keywords have higher search volume or lower competition.

Keywords with high search volume can give you a chance to get more views; keywords with low competition can make your videos more likely to appear high in search results for others to see.

Increase video click-through rate

When your video is successfully searched by others, it does not mean that they will click on your video. Only attractive titles and thumbnails can prompt viewers to open the video, not other people's videos.

A good title and thumbnail should be able to arouse the curiosity of others, match the content of your video, and make people understand what your video wants to express at a glance.

Remember not to fill the title with keywords, because the title is written for your audience (not search engines); do not fill your thumbnail with text, the most important thing is to make people even on the small screen of your mobile phone Can clearly see the contents of your thumbnails.

You can see the example below. Even for movies of the same nature, simple and clear thumbnails and short titles are even more viewed than fancy thumbnails and lengthy titles.

Clear channel theme positioning

You should set a clear theme or niche market for your channel, such as sharing beauty, 3C electronic product reviews, or financial knowledge, so that people will think of your channel when they are looking for certain information.

As you slowly develop your own personal characteristics and charm, more and more fans will trust and like you, and even recommend your channel to friends around them.

Channels that have established a personal brand also have very high fan stickiness. You can see Lao Gao’s videos. Basically, every video has more than one million views, which is not far from his number of subscriptions.

Collaborate with other YouTubers

You can also find a YouTuber in your field to collaborate (Collaboration) and shoot some Q&A-like interviews, so that your audiences will know each other better.

Because they are all channels of the same theme, it is very likely that the audience of the other party will also like your content and search for your channel.

In this way, it is possible for you to get new subscriptions from the other party's audience, and the other party can also get new fans from your audience, which can be said to be a win-win situation.

Drain traffic from other platforms

In addition to allowing viewers to search for your videos on YouTube, you can also take the initiative to promote your videos on other platforms, such as setting up a Facebook page and an Instagram fan group.

In normal days, be active in these groups to interact with your fans, and use these platforms to notify everyone of your videos when new videos are uploaded can also bring you a lot of traffic.

And when you do SEO well, your videos may even appear in Google search, as follows:

How to activate the YouTube algorithm?

Let YouTube know about your videos

YouTube can learn what viewers like from their usual viewing habits, and recommend suitable videos to their homepages through algorithms.

If you want YouTube to actively promote your video to other audiences who don’t know you, you must let YouTube know the content of your video before they know which audience to recommend your video to.

Because YouTube's system is not smart enough to fully understand the content of your video, you should describe your video content in the title, tags, and description fields.

Even if you have added subtitles to your movie, it is best to set CC subtitles again in the background so that YouTube can better understand the content of your movie.

Improve the quality of your videos

YouTube will judge whether your video is of high quality based on the image quality. For example, 1080p movies are of course better than 720p image quality. Now YouTube videos can also support up to 4k image quality.

It also has a certain impact on the sound quality and radio. If you have a lot of noise in the background of your movie, it will definitely affect the audience's viewing experience.

A longer filming time will also help, because YouTube hopes to allow viewers to stay on the platform for a long time to watch the video, so if there are two videos with the same number of views, YouTube will give priority to promoting the longer one.

Let the audience like your video

Of course, the longer the film is, the better. For YouTube, the viewer’s viewing experience and duration are more important.

If most of your audience can watch more than 50% of your content, then YouTube will think your content is valuable, otherwise the audience will not watch it for that long.

This is why the method of exaggerating the title to deceive the click-through rate no longer works. If the audience clicks on your video because of your title and finds that the content does not match, they will immediately jump out. This will kill the viewing time and make YouTube feel your content. no value.

Therefore, if you want to keep the audience in your film for a long time, you must spend more time on the plot of the content of the film. Don't make the opening statement too long. Always keep the audience curious and watch it or use some editing techniques and special effects to keep the audience paying attention. .

Interact with your fans more

For YouTube, the interaction between channel owners and fans is also one of the indicators they consider the popularity of videos, which is why YouTubers always call viewers to subscribe, comment, like and share in videos.

Because the audience just likes your content will subscribe to you and like it. As long as your number of likes is far greater than the number of dislikes, it means that your content is liked by most of the audience.

Messages are more rare than subscriptions and likes, because most viewers will not spend time leaving comments after watching the video. If there are a large number of comments under the video, it also proves that the channel owner has a good interaction with the audience, YouTube will even more Would like to recommend this kind of video.

Link your related videos

If you have shot several related videos, you can put them all in the same playlist, so that YouTube can also play another related video to your audience when the video is finished.

You can also add an information card to your video to guide your audience to other related videos, or put in the ending screen at the end of the film that recommends you the latest or other popular videos, so that your audience will be more on your channel stay.

In addition, you can promote other videos that your audience will like in the bottom of the video, because the audience who will look at your description must have a certain interest in you and want to know more about you.

Things you must not do!

I hope that the 10 drainage methods shared above will help you. Next, let's talk about what you shouldn't do, so as not to waste your previous efforts!

Purchase traffic and subscriptions

It’s normal when the number of views is small when no one knows you at the beginning of the channel, but don’t buy fake subscriptions and traffic just to make the channel grow quickly.

Although these services provided on the Internet are not deceptive, they use computers to create a large number of ghost populations for you to subscribe and watch, and even these accounts will come from IP addresses in many different countries.

Therefore, YouTube has a way to detect these non-human behaviors, and judge them as invalid traffic, and even make it more difficult for you to join their partner program in the future.

Add irrelevant tags

Although adding more tags will help YouTube better understand the content of your video, remember not to add tags that are not related to your video!

Because the original intention of the YouTube algorithm is to recommend high-quality related videos to people who want to watch, if your tags and content do not match, the system will quickly find from the viewing time that this is not the content that the viewer wants to watch.

In this way, YouTube will punish you for providing "false" information and stop promoting the content on your channel to other viewers.

Improperly produced content

Some people may create content related to violence, gore, or pornography in order to get more views, but these content will be classified as inappropriate content by YouTube.

Because advertisers do not want to show their ads in such videos so as not to affect their brand image, YouTube will also avoid promoting these content.

Not only will such videos not be promoted by YouTube, they will also be subject to yellow labels to restrict profitability even after advertising revenue is turned on.

Plagiarize the creation of others

YouTube encourages creators to innovate and produce interesting new content, while also protecting the rights and copyrights of creators from infringement or misappropriation by him.

If the content you produce is not original, such as playing other people's songs or editing other videos (such as movies), it can be regarded as plagiarizing others' copyrights.

This kind of film will not be promoted, or even if it is reported by others or discovered by the owner, they will have the right to ask you to remove the film or even attribute all the proceeds from the film to their own.

How much traffic can make money?

If you want to earn advertising revenue on YouTube, you must get at least 1,000 subscriptions and 4,000 viewing hours to join their partner program (YPP) to start making money.

After you turn on advertising revenue, as long as you have more views and advertisements, the more revenue you will get, or you can increase your revenue by increasing the advertising CPM.

When your number of subscriptions and popularity become higher and higher, you can also open other profit channels, such as opening channel members, or cooperating with other manufacturers in the form of industry distribution, or even selling your own products.

Even if your traffic and views are not high at the beginning, you can still earn income from other channels, such as affiliate marketing or asking your fans to sponsor you to maintain the operation of the channel.

Other ways to make money online

I believe that many people want to escape from the nine-to-five working model in the morning. They want to start a business but do not have enough capital or experience, and the risks are also great.

Nowadays, with the development of Internet technology, it is no longer a idiotic dream to make money on the Internet, and the initial capital required is not large. You can work and operate until you earn enough living expenses before leaving.

In addition to the content shared above, there are actually many other ways to make money online. Just search on the Internet to discover many useful and relevant information. I hope you can find a business model that suits you as soon as possible!


如何增加YouTube 觀看次數?10個你必須知道的提高流量的方法!

拍了好幾隻影片卻都還是無人觀看?那你可能是還沒搞清楚YouTube 的遊戲規則。















YouTube其實是Google之後最大的搜索引擎,想要讓觀眾搜索到你的影片第一步就要先做好搜索引擎優化(Search Engine Optimization,簡稱SEO)。


你可以利用Google Trend 或 Tubebuddy 這類工具來幫助你查看最近熱門的關鍵詞,與及那些關鍵詞的搜索量更高或競爭更低。












你也可以找和你同領域的YouTuber 一起合作(Collaboration),拍攝一些類似Q&A的訪談性質,讓你們彼此的觀眾都更了解對方。




除了讓觀眾在YouTube 搜索到你的影片,你也可以主動出擊在其他的平台宣傳你的影片,比如在成立臉書專頁和Instagram 粉絲群。


而且當你把SEO做好時,你的影片甚至是有可能出現在Google 搜索中的,如下:




想要讓YouTube 主動幫你的影片推廣出去給其他還不認識你的觀眾那你就要先讓YouTube了解你的影片內容,他們才知道該將你的影片推薦給哪些觀眾。

因為YouTube 的系統還沒有聰明到可以完全了解你的影片內容,所以你應該要在標題、標籤(Tags)、描述欄中多敘述你的影片內容。



YouTube 會通過畫質來判斷你的影片是否優質,比如說1080p的影片當然比720p畫質來得更好,現在的YouTube影片也能支持最高4k畫質了。









對YouTube 來說頻道主與粉絲的互動也是他們考量影片熱門度的指標之一,這也是為什麼YouTuber總是會在影片中呼籲觀眾訂閱、留言、點贊和分享的原因。




如果你有拍攝了好幾支互相關聯的影片那你可以把它們都歸納在同一個播放清單中,這樣YouTube 也有和能在其中影片播放完畢時接著播放另一隻相關影片給你的觀眾。







雖然網上提供的這些服務不是騙人的,但是他們是透過電腦來製作大量幽靈人口為你訂閱和觀看,甚至這些戶口會來自多個不同國家的IP 地址。

因此YouTube 就有辦法偵察出這些非人為的舉動,並將它們判為無效流量,甚至以後會讓你更難加入他們的合作夥伴計劃。


雖然加入更多標籤有助於YouTube 更了解你的影片內容,但是切記不要添加與你的影片毫不相關的標籤!






這類的影片不僅不會受到YouTube 推廣,甚至在開啟廣告收益後也會受到黃標限制營利。


YouTube 鼓勵創作者多創新並製作有趣內新內容,同時也會保護原創者的權益和版權不受他的侵犯或盜用。




如果想在YouTube賺取廣告收益那你就必須獲得至少1,000 訂閱數和4,000 觀看小時才能加入他們的合作夥伴計劃(YPP) 來開啟營利。

開啟廣告收益後只要你的觀看次數和廣告播放次數越多,所獲取的收益就會越多,或者你也可以通過提高廣告CPM 來提高收益。






