The number of crimes decreased slightly in the first half of this year 


The number of online love fraud cases has increased by 90%. 

More than $280 million was involved

The government announced today (27) the crime figures for the first half of the year. In the first half of 2021, a total of 32,345 crimes were recorded in Hong Kong, an increase of 1,474 cases, or 4.6%, compared with the same period last year. The police explained that the overall decline in crime was mainly due to a 60% reduction in robberies, a 30% reduction in burglaries, and a decrease in arson, wounding, serious assault, and criminal damage, reflecting the stability of law and order.

However, violent crimes increased by 146 to 4,653, and fraud, sexual offences, extortion, criminal intimidation and serious drugs, serious gambling and organized prostitution also increased.

Online romance scams increased by more than 90%

Among the various crimes, fraud cases increased by 570 to 8,699. Among them, online romance fraud increased by more than 90% to 822, with a loss of more than 288 million, an increase of 1.6 times. According to the police, it usually takes a long time for the victims to discover that they have been deceived, resulting in greater losses. In addition, telephone fraud cases decreased by about 20% compared with the same period last year, but the amount of losses involved still doubled. The police also reminded that a fraudster sent a fake bank phone SMS recently. After the victim clicked on the link to enter the fake bank website, he followed the instructions to enter the bank account name and password and other information. The fraudster immediately transferred the funds to the victim's account.

In terms of homicides, 10 homicides were recorded in the first half of 2021, of which 8 involved violence between families or relatives, and all cases have been solved. As for robberies, although the overall number of robberies has dropped from 186 in the first half of last year to 67 this year, they include one robbery with a stun gun, five robberies with a pistol-like object, and eight robberies. Robbery of gold shop and watch.

In addition, the number of drug cases proactively cracked down by the police has also increased by 60%. The number of cocaine and ketones seized has doubled and tripled, respectively, and ecstasy has increased by 7 times. With regard to juvenile crime, there were 1,519 young people aged 10 to 20 who were arrested in the first half of 2021, a decrease of about 30% compared with the same period last year. However, those arrested for serious drug crimes, criminal damage, and triad-related crimes, The increase ranges from 10% to 60%.

National Security Act one year over 100 people were arrested and 64 people were prosecuted

The National Security Law of the Minato District has been implemented for one year, and the police also explained the law enforcement situation. As of June 30, 2021, a total of 117 people have been arrested on suspicion of "secession of the country", "subversion of state power", "terrorist activities", and "collusion with foreign forces." , "Use money or other property to fund others to split the country." Some people were also arrested for "publishing sedition," "fraud," "money laundering," etc. Among them, 64 have been prosecuted.

However, this number is not the latest situation. The National Security Agency arrested 14 members of the "Light City" in early July. At the end of July, they arrested Lin Wenzong, the former chief executive of Apple Daily, and 5 members of the Hong Kong Speech Therapists Federation. 138 people have been arrested on July 22.


今年上半年罪案數字略減 網上情緣騙案大增九成 涉款逾 2.8 億

政府今日(27 日)公布上半年罪案數字,2021 年上半年全港共錄得 32,345 宗罪案,較去年同期增加了減少 1,474宗,即4.6%。警方解釋,整體罪案下跌,主因是行劫案大減六成、爆竊案減少三成,縱火、傷人及嚴重毆打、刑事毁壞案亦有所減少,反映治安情況平穩。

不過,暴力罪案則增加 146 宗至4,653宗,詐騙、性罪行、勒索、刑事恐嚇及嚴重毒品、嚴重賭博及有組織賣淫罪行亦有所增加。


在各項罪案中,詐騙案上升 570 宗至 8,699 宗,其中網上情緣騙案大幅增加逾九成,至 822 宗,損失金額超過 2.88 億,上升 1.6 倍。警方指,受害人通常經過一段長時間才發現受騙,致損失較大。另外,電話騙案較去年同期減少約兩成,但涉及的損失金額仍然錄得一倍的升幅。警方亦提醒,近日有騙徒發出虛假銀行電話短訊,受害人點擊連結進入虛假銀行網站後,按指示輸入銀行戶口名稱及密碼等資料,騙徒隨即轉走受害人戶口內存款。

兇殺案方面,2021年上半年錄得 10 宗兇殺案,其中 8 宗涉及家庭或親屬間的暴力,案件已全部偵破。至於在劫案方面,整體劫案數字雖由去年上半年的 186 宗,大減至今年的 67 宗,但當中包括一宗持電槍劫案、5 宗持類似手槍物體劫案、以及 8宗金鋪、錶行劫案。

另外,警方主動打擊的毒品案亦上升 6 成 7,搜獲的可卡因及 K 仔分別上升一倍及 3 倍,而忘我類更增加 7 倍。青少年罪案方面,在 2021 年上半年被捕、10 至 20 歲的青少年有1,519人,比去年同期減少約 3 成,但干犯嚴重毒品罪行、刑事毀壞以及與三合會相關罪行而被捕者,則上升一成至六成不等。

國安法一年 逾百人被捕、64 人被檢控

港區國安法實施一年,警方亦交代執法情況,指截至2021年6月30日,共拘捕117人,涉嫌「分裂國家」、「顛覆國家政權」、「恐怖活動」、「勾結外國勢力」、「以金錢或者其他財物資助他人分裂國家」,部分人亦涉嫌「發表煽動文字」、「欺詐」、「洗黑錢」等被捕,當中 64 人已被檢控。

不過,該數字並非最新情況,國安處在 7 月初先後拘捕「光城者」14 名成員,7月底再拘《蘋果日報》前執總林文宗、香港言語治療師總工會 5 名成員等,至 7 月 22 日已有138 人被拘捕。
