Google Domains Launches To All In U.S. With Support For Blogger Integration, Templates And More Domain Endings

Google Domains, Google’s own domain name registration service, has now exited private testing. This summer, the company unveiled the new service to fill a long-time void in the company’s product lineup, with a competitor to sites like NameCheap and GoDaddy (the latter which filed for a $100 million IPO just days before Google’s entry into the domain-selling space). Google’s service was previously available only to a small number of testers, but this morning, Google opened its doors to all in the U.S., and announced a number of new features alongside its public launch.

The service is still considered to be in beta testing, Google clarifies.

In case you missed it in June, Google’s first foray into the domain name registration market launched with support for a number of standard features, like free private registration, free email forwarding to your Gmail inbox, free domain forwarding, support for up to 100 sub-domains, and support for the growing number of new domain endings (like .guru and .club) that are now emerging.

Google said at the time its service also includes phone support, indicating Google’s intention to market it more to business customers.

To date, thousands of testers have signed up and registered domains during the private testing, but Google didn’t release exact numbers.

Additionally, Google partnered with a number of website-building providers when it launched into beta, making it easy for users to get started with setting up their new website after acquiring the domain name or names of their choosing. This list initially included Shopify, Squarespace, Weebly, and Wix. Google’s own Blogger platform wasn’t immediately supported, however – but it is today, the company notes. Users will now be able to buy a domain and instantly connect it to their Blogger blog, if they choose.

Customers will also be able to now browse website templates on Google Domains, while comparing plans and feature sets provided by Google’s website-building partners. Google tells us the temples will show in the Google Domains dashboard, which makes it easier to browse them, but they’re supported by Google Domains website-building partners.

Other improvements to the public service include a new, simplified dashboard for managing your domains, website and email settings; an improved search and suggestion experience; dynamic DNS integration; plus a the ability to register domains with over 60 new domain endings like .company, .florist, and .coffee. (The full list of endings is here. Over the next few years, ICANN will be releasing over 1,300 new domain endings, so this list will expand over time.)

Many of the new features were implemented at the suggestion of early testers, Google says.

The service is now available to any interested parties in the U.S., with full international support still on the horizon, and no ETA provided at this time. (You can sign up to be notified about this here, however.)

Google’s entry into the domain names market put a crimp on GoDaddy’s IPO plans, and impacted that of other web rivals. For instance, hit a one-year low in November after missing revenue expectations. Meanwhile, GoDaddy began stressing how it was working to diversify its product offerings to include more than just support for domain buying, but expanding into all aspects of helping customers run their online business.

Given its beta status, Google is still working to add more features to its service even as it launches to the general public. One notable omission at present is the ability to buy a domain then immediately connect it to a Google Apps account. But clearly, Google already has this on its roadmap – asked about support for this feature, a Google spokesperson told us there’s no Google Apps integration “yet.”


Google Domains 在美國面向所有人推出,支持 Blogger 集成、模板和更多域名

Google 自己的域名註冊服務 Google Domains 現已退出私人測試。今年夏天,該公司推出了這項新服務,以填補公司產品陣容中的長期空白,與 NameCheap 和 GoDaddy 等網站的競爭對手(後者在谷歌進入該領域前幾天申請了 1 億美元的 IPO-銷售空間)。谷歌的服務以前只對少數測試人員開放,但今天早上,谷歌向美國的所有人敞開了大門,並在公開發布的同時宣布了一些新功能。

谷歌澄清說,該服務仍被認為處於 Beta 測試階段。

如果您錯過了 6 月份,Google 首次進軍域名註冊市場,該市場支持多項標準功能,例如免費私人註冊、免費電子郵件轉發到您的 Gmail 收件箱、免費域名轉發、支持多達 100 個子域名-domains,並支持現在出現的越來越多的新域名後綴(如 .guru 和 .club)。



此外,谷歌在推出 Beta 版時與許多網站建設提供商合作,讓用戶在獲得一個或多個他們選擇的域名後可以輕鬆開始建立他們的新網站。此列表最初包括 Shopify、Squarespace、Weebly 和 Wix。然而,谷歌自己的 Blogger 平台並未立即得到支持——但該公司指出,它是在今天。如果用戶願意,他們現在可以購買域並立即將其連接到他們的 Blogger 博客。

客戶現在還可以在 Google Domains 上瀏覽網站模板,同時比較 Google 網站建設合作夥伴提供的計劃和功能集。 Google 告訴我們,這些將顯示在 Google Domains 儀表板中,這樣可以更輕鬆地瀏覽它們,但它們得到了 Google Domains 網站建設合作夥伴的支持。

公共服務的其他改進包括一個新的、簡化的儀表板,用於管理您的域、網站和電子郵件設置;改進的搜索和建議體驗;動態 DNS 集成;此外,還可以註冊具有 60 多個新域名後綴的域名,例如 .company、.florist 和 .coffee。 (完整的域名列表在這裡。在接下來的幾年裡,ICANN 將發布 1,300 多個新的域名後綴,所以這個列表會隨著時間的推移而擴大。)


該服務現在可供美國的任何相關方使用,全面的國際支持仍在進行中,目前不提供 ETA。 (但是,您可以在此處註冊以收到通知。)

谷歌進入域名市場阻礙了 GoDaddy 的 IPO 計劃,並影響了其他網絡競爭對手的計劃。例如,由於收入低於預期, 在 11 月創下一年新低。與此同時,GoDaddy 開始強調它如何努力使其產品多樣化,不僅包括對域名購買的支持,而且還擴展到幫助客戶經營在線業務的各個方面。

鑑於其測試狀態,即使向公眾推出,谷歌仍在努力為其服務添加更多功能。目前一個值得注意的遺漏是購買域然後立即將其連接到 Google Apps 帳戶的能力。但很明顯,谷歌的路線圖上已經有了這個——當被問及對這個功能的支持時,谷歌發言人告訴我們,“還沒有”谷歌應用程序集成。
