Google becomes domain name seller

Google has become a registrar - a company allowed to sell Internet domain names - but told us it has no current plans to sell any.

Last week, Internet overseeing organisation ICANN and technical arm IANA, quietly approved Google's application and gave it ID number 895. It is now entitled to sell any .biz, .com, .info, .name, .net, .org and .pro domains (but not .aero, .coop, or .museum). 

The reason it paid a $2,500 application fee and $6,500 to cover six top-level domains is that it "wants to get a better understanding of the domain name system [and so] increase the quality of our search results". The email address it gives with relation to its new registrar status is

Google notes that Amazon did exactly the same thing nearly two years ago. At that time, a March 2003 article in the Wall Street Journal pointed out that the online giant had become a registrar and assumed that it was about to launch a domain name selling business. 

Google has become a registrar - a company allowed to sell Internet domain names.




互聯網監管組織 ICANN 和技術部門 IANA 悄悄批准了谷歌的申請,並授予其 ID 號 895。它現在有權出售任何 .biz、.com、.info、.name、.net、.org 和 .pro域(但不是 .aero、.coop 或 .museum)。

它支付 2,500 美元的申請費和 6,500 美元來覆蓋六個頂級域的原因是它“希望更好地了解域名系統 [從而] 提高我們搜索結果的質量”。它提供的與其新註冊商狀態相關的電子郵件地址是。

谷歌指出,亞馬遜在近兩年前做了完全相同的事情。當時,《華爾街日報》2003 年 3 月的一篇文章指出,這家在線巨頭已成為註冊商,並假設它即將推出域名銷售業務。

